Linguistic Snapshot

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This web site provides readers to help learners improve literacy skills. Readings are short and model correct language usage. The intent is to introduce the different cultures that speak the language through informative readings and to entertain through short occurrences in daily life. The models provided are the most common. There is no implication that they are the only models or that the same models do not have secondary meanings, those are left for conversations with native speakers or for more dutiful study. The webpage aids the learner gain Intermediate-mid proficiency as defined by ACTFL, in particular interpretive modes. Higher levels would be achieved by conversations or guided instruction.

The readings are separate from a text book and challenge the reader with vocabulary. Core vocabulary is identified, but not practiced separately. The reader is encouraged to use other sources, more importantly, to learn to negotiate meaning with a partner, after all, natural language usage requires one to do so. Some vocabulary is left to be understood by deduction, by becoming aware of word families, or by words that are similar in various languages. Other vocabulary is defined within the reading. Synonyms are employed to help the reader have access to vocabulary that may not be used by all countries that share this language.

The organization of the readings is as follows:
  1. Foundation explores models on how to describe in present time.
  2. Basics explores models to narrate in present time.
  3. Let’s Communicate integrates and expands models to describe and narrate in present time.
  4. About Yesterday provides models to describe and narrate in the past.
  5. Possibilities provides models to describe and narrate in futures and interpretations.

Literacy implies the understanding of literary concepts. Identification of protagonist and setting can easily be done. Plot can be identified in the stories provided, though in narrative form to daily life. Identification of the antagonist, conflict, climax and denouement would be hard to find except in a few readings at the end of the readers. Full extent of a literary plot and theme are not explored. Readings comprise models to understand the language and the cultures that speak the language.